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Why does your company need a bookkeeper?

Bookkeeping is important for a company. Bookkeeping is the process of keeping tabs on a business’ or company’s financial records. A bookkeeper looks at the company’s daily financial transactions and provides help where needed. At L. V. Browne, CPA all our bookkeepers’ work is overseen by a CPA. While bookkeepers may not require as much education or training as accountants, they are still responsible for multiple tasks.

· Making a list of company’s expenses

· Keeping records of all financial transactions

· Sending information to an accountant to file taxes

· Creating monthly financial reports

· Helping fill out financial statements

· Watching debt levels

Without a bookkeeper, your company may not know its income, expenses, and tax rates. Your company already has so much to worry about. There is no need to worry about financial data when you have a bookkeeper keep a close eye on the financial situation.

If you’re trying to decide if you need to contract with a bookkeeper, please contact Lakeesha Browne, CPA to get more information about how we can help.